Membership is open to all persons who subscribe to the purposes of
The Bull Terrier Club of Tampa Bay
and agree to abide by it's Constitution and Bylaws.
Please contact our club secretary,Our application form to print

There are two types of memberships:
Single $25.00 - one adult who holds individual voting privileges.
Couple $35.00 - Two adult persons residing at the same address (Each household member holds individual voting privileges.)
The Bull Terrier Club of Tampa Bay is committed to equal opportunity in membership and all club activities. This means that we will not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favorably, on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, color, religion or disability. There shall be two types of membership, regular individual and regular as a member of a couple/household, open to all persons eighteen (18) years of age and older, who are in good standing with The American Kennel Club, and who subscribe to the purposes of the club as outlined in Article I, Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 of this Constitution and By-Laws. Such Regular Members shall be entitled to the full rights and privileges of membership. While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the clubs primary purpose is to be representative of the Members in our geographic area. Persons under eighteen (18) years of age are eligible to become Junior Members of the club. Such Junior members will have all the rights and privileges of membership with the exception of voting at club meetings and for officers. Junior membership may automatically convert to an Individual or Couple/Household membership upon reaching their 18th birthday.
Each applicant for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Board of Directors and which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and rules of The American Kennel Club and The Bull Terrier Club of Tampa Bay. The application shall carry the name(s), address and telephone number of the applicant(s) and it shall carry the endorsement of two members in good standing. Accompanying the application, the prospective member(s) shall submit dues pro-rated for the current year. All applications and pro-rated dues for the current year are to be filed with the Secretary and the Secretary shall notify the membership of the name of the applicant(s). Each application is to be read at the first Board meeting of the club following receipt. Applicants for membership are encouraged to attend a club meeting prior to having their names presented. At the following Board meeting, the applications will be voted in a secret vote, and the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Board shall be required to elect the applicant(s) to membership unless there has been a written objection to the applicant(s) filed with the Secretary. In the event of such written objection, there shall be a secret vote at the club meeting of members in good standing and an affirmative vote of two thirds of the members voting at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant(s). Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the club may not re-apply within six months of such rejection.
a) To encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Bull Terriers and to do all possible to bring the natural qualities to perfection;
b) To urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by The American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Bull Terriers shall be judged;
c) To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog show, obedience trials and other events under the auspices of The American Kennel Club;
d) To do all in its power to oppose and prevent all forms of cruelty and inhumane practices toward dogs;
e) To promote friendship and cooperation among members, breeders and exhibitors of Bull Terriers, and to encourage and assist them in every possible way for the benefit of the breed; and
f) To aid in the passage of favorable and just legislation for the health and welfare of Bull Terriers.
As a matter of policy, the club stands absolutely opposed to dog fighting and any activities related thereto, such as participating in, or breeding, training, buying and/or selling dogs for the purpose of fighting. Strict adherence to this policy is required to be eligible for membership or to remain a member in good standing of the club.
People who know our breed, the English Bull Terrier, understand how wonderful these dogs are and what extraordinary pets they make. Not every one who owns a bully, or who has a special connection with the breed realizes why membership in a regional club is important, aside from the social aspect.
There are people who fear Bull Terriers, who know nothing about them, but who want to classify them with other “Bully Breeds� and outlaw or restrict them from communities, cities and even states with breed specific laws. There are people who feel that breeding or owning a pure bred dog is morally equivalent to murder as long as there are any dogs available in shelters. There are people who still engage in the crime of dog fighting and who steal Bull Terriers as “bait dogs.� There are people who breed Bull Terriers only for money, and do not consider whether their dogs harm the breed with inherited defects, or whether their dogs go to homes that are appropriate. There are also people who cannot, for whatever reason, provide care for their dogs, and these animals desperately need help.
The Bull Terrier Club of Tampa Bay is not a political club, and never will be, but its members, by banding together provides education to the public, and demonstrates that there is a community of dog lovers (and voters) that are active and responsible and working to make a positive contribution to the breed we love. Benjamin Franklin said, “We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.� We are in dangerous times and joining the BTCTB is important if you love bullies.
1) Is club membership limited to people who live in the Tampa Bay area? No. Our bylaws state, “While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the club’s primary purpose is to be representative of the members in its immediate geographic area.� We are currently the only Bull Terrier club in Florida and our members live throughout the state. There are also club members who live in other states that have a special connection with Florida or our club.
2) Do you have to own a Bull Terrier to be in the club? No. Most of our members do, but not all. Some members have owned bullies in the past. We have some members that have never had the pleasure of living with a Bull Terrier.
3) Do you have to be involved in the “show dog� world if you are a member? No, some of our members do or have shown dogs or breed dogs for showing, or judged dogs in the show ring, but many, if not most of our members associate with Bull Terriers solely for love and companionship.